Moon Tidings - Community

Our Grand 0pening has us thinking about community. Why?

It takes a dedicated community to launch a gallery, it takes a welcoming community for that gallery to nestle into a home, and it takes a synergistic community to help it thrive in new ways that are constantly evolving and taking shape. Also, the approaching holidays means we will gather with our own communities, thankful for the opportunity to do so, and allow that community to feed our souls.

With the concept of community on our minds, we asked our Moon Over Water Artists for their thoughts on the importance of a community as it relates to art -

Mary Carole Sitzes - For me an artist community can inspire and support the creative process. For the public - like any art - music, literature, visual arts — all are a necessary part of truly living — these mediums of communicating are intrinsic to human life. 

Diana Casabar - Crucial. They are my Tribe. 

Karen Krumm - First of all, everyone has the ability to be creative, or inspired. It’s not just with music or visual creations - cooking, working with children, gardening, etc… - these are all important aspects to having a joyful and creative life. Artists are the lucky ones; we have found our niche - that “thing” that allows us to express ourselves and be shared with the world. 

Sharen Chatterton - I believe in the creative energy that is generated when like-minded people gather. Creating space for ideas, inspiration and sharing is what makes an artist tribe a vital part of my creative journey. 

Janice Clark - After years of usually just working on projects for myself or friends, it is helpful to have people say that your work has value and is art in itself. I had that feeling but it is very validating to have others believe it and say it as well. 


Holiday Thoughts & News


Grand Opening Celebration