Diana Casabar

With her early childhood in northern California, Diana was always outdoors enjoying both the fresh sea air and the lovely warm scent of the redwoods in the mountains.  With face uplifted to catch the breezes and horizon, her curiosity then expanded to the tide pools, dunes, cliffs, redwood bark, fungus, birds and mountain flowers.  It was a rewarding loop that still drives her curiosity today. Diana truly hopes that when you see her art, it provokes a memory of your childhood curiosities and joys of the great outdoors. Then maybe the profound sense of protection she feels for these elements is transferred to you, and together we will feel empowered to save the world. 

My current body of work is water themed, with the hope that it will bring attention to the need to protect our natural waters. I get most of my inspiration from my kayaking trips in North Texas lakes. I immediately see the design and sketch it in my little notebook.  When I get home, I transfer it into my permanent sketchbook.  As I create the piece, I contemplate the haiku that accompanies the jewelry.  I like my collectors to get a glimpse into my kayak trip, and understand what I was seeing at the time I was hit with the inspiration. 

I feel that jewelry should be a daily extension of your mood, and therefore, I like to make symbols to represent how you feel that day. Or how you NEED to feel for the day! If you put on the jewelry I make, and you are empowered to tackle the day, I’ve done my job.