Moon Tidings - Intentions

A new year! This last trip around the sun was filled with anticipated high tides and low tides, and with unexpected storms and currents. However, 2022 brought the physical manifestation of all our intentions when we conceptualized Moon over Water Gallery, and the experience has been more joyful that we could even have imagined. Setting intentions is powerful, indeed. And so, with the promise of a new cycles and the opportunities they can provide, it seemed a fitting time to grab a cup of tea, get quiet, and explore our intentions going forward. We asked Moon over Water’s Kimmi Moake and Diana Casabar for their thoughts on this subject, and we hope you’ll find their answers are enchanting as we did.

Kimmi - Looking around the natural world, I see the grasses holding up a mirror to the trees. I pick up a rock and see the entire mountain range within. As I study this concept, I find myself moving to be the reflection of what I wish to see and feel. I drink out of this cup as I engage my creativity and find gratitude in all the possibilities. I never imagined I’d be right here, and all that I have at my fingertips so my intention for 2023 is to dream bigger with blossoming abundance because it’s always this or something better.

Diana - I practice qigong daily, and teach a few times a week, so cycles, spirals, and circles are always on my mind. When I enter my studio, I always start by spiraling myself around the middle of the room, giving thanks to my workspace, tools, workstations, inventory, and pieces yet to be made. For me, creating is like the Cycle of Life:  the seed, the sprout, the flower, the fruit, the compost. So, this New Beginning, this New Year, is for me the time I prepare my Garden of Creations, honing the techniques I use to create learning new if I need, and getting familiar again with the tools to be used, I also settle on a theme for the year, and let my ideas come out to my sketchbook to be fine-tuned in the weeks to come.  When I’m read to begin creating my new line for the year, I have my entire Garden of Creation planned out, awaiting the Beauties that will blossom and add to the Joy that is this beautiful world.


Moon Musings - January


Holiday Thoughts & News