Artistic Alignment

The subject of artistic alignment may initially seem elusive.  As an adventurous bunch, artists tend to love experimenting.  So, if you’re moving into new artistic areas or peer groups, experimenting with new supplies, or trying a new color palette, does this mean that you’re out of alignment creatively?

Quite the contrary is true.

The aspect of our art practice that makes it so sacred and personal is that it is the one place where we can allow our minds to wander and our souls to play. So, play!  Who cares if it works out? You may stumble across a technique that you incorporate into your practice regularly.  The alignment is represented by fidelity to your authentic expression through your art.   It is feeling that you’re nurturing a bit of your soul and being brave enough to share it with the world.  That’s alignment.  And the world needs more of that. The world needs more of you.


Vision Boards and Artistic Alignment

Speaking of alignment, our Moon Over Water artists gathered in January to work on exactly this topic. We created vision boards to align our intention and practice for the year upcoming.  Here are some photos of our own dedication to artistic alignment -our vision boards in process.


Moon Musings - February


Moon Musings - January